Economics Olympiad

Economics Olympiad (EO) is a project that improves the level of economic and financial literacy of school students. It was established by the Institute of Economic Education (INEV) in the Czech Republic in 2016, and since 2017 it has become an international project. EO is conducted in around 20 countries, in which 100,000 students and 4,000 teachers are involved annually, and this data is growing.

The Economics Olympiad in Georgia is carried out by the Georgian Economic Literacy Initiative (GELi) since 2023 year.

In addition to students, school teachers/school representatives play an important role in the Economics Olympiad, who register the school as a participant in the Olympiad and play the role of school coordinator of the International Economics Olympiad.

All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can participate in the Economics Olympiad and gain financial and economic knowledge, regardless of their future professional interest.

The Economics Olympiad consists of rounds that vary in difficulty and format.

Structure of the Olympiad

School Round

The school round is conducted through an online testing system. Before the test, there is a school registration process and teachers are registered as the coordinator of their school. After the registration of the schools, during the testing week, students write a test at their schools that includes 25 questions and lasts 40 minutes. Successful students will participate in the national round.


National Round

The national round is an all-day event. Guests are invited for a panel discussion. It is a great opportunity for contestants and teachers to meet with economic experts, special guests, university representatives,  etc. In the testing process, students will answer closed and open questions on economic issues. Ten (this year 11) students with the best results will participate in the Economics Summer Camp.


Economics Summer Camp

Along with 11 winners of the Georgian national round, 10 participants of the Ukrainian national round and 5 students from Azerbaijan will participate in the camp. 26 students will undergo an intensive course in economics and finance for one week. In addition to the educational part, the camp is loaded with individual and team activities, guest visits, board games, etc. 5 students will be selected from the Georgian participants of the camp, who will compete on behalf of Georgia at the international final round.


International Round

The international final round is an official event for the top 5 contestants from each country, which usually takes 2-4 days in September or October and is organized by one of our partners’ countries. 

The competition has two parts, written and oral. First there will be a written exam and then the top 10 students will participate in an oral exam. In addition to the testing itself, there are other activities prepared for participants such as workshops, team activities, tours around the city, etc. Prestigious guests are invited to participate in panel discussion, as a committee or to run a workshop for students. It is a special event that gives an opportunity to build new international connections and to bring the top students together.

Olympiad partners

General Sponsor

Economic Fundamental Initiative


Bank of Georgia


Tbilisi Free University


Skillwill Georgia

UN Women

The Government of Japan

Media Partner